“Confessional” Meme


Ben over at Faith and Theology has discovered a new meme going around.  It is a “confessional” meme, where the theologically minded reveal their deepest, darkest secrets.  here are my “confessions.”

I Confess: It is a shame that many theologians are dismissive of philosophy.

I Confess: That Tillich’s “method of correlation” isn’t as evil as many conservatives think.

I Confess: That much American theology is several steps behind European thought.

I Confess: That America is behind Europe primarily due to an over literalist reading of the Bible.

I Confess: That more than 1/2 of the books i own are either unfinished or completely unread.

I Confess: That @ times i’m not completely sure that even Barth himself understood what he was saying.

I Confess: That i get highly annoyed with the doctrine of “particular election.”

I Confess: That i get highly agitated when theologians who write “simplistic” books for all the church are accused of trying to manipulate or deceive.

I Confess: I love Gregory Boyd’s work, even though i wouldn’t necessarily call myself an open theist anymore.

I Confess: I believe in the ontological existence of the devil, demons, angels, etc.

I Confess: That unlike Ben, i’ve found that my initial reading of Gunton has provided much satisfaction and excitement..

I Confess: That i don’t understand the concern that theology can/should be considered a science.

I Confess: That T.F. Torrance stopped me from giving up on Reformed thought.

I Confess: That i don’t actually know what a “meme” is, although after this i think that i have the idea.

One response to ““Confessional” Meme

  1. You’re no longer an open theist? hmmm….

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